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Career Guidance for Inclusive Society



The international conference “Career Guidance for Inclusive Society” that will take place in Bratislava, Slovakia on September 11-13.

The Conference is an annual event of The International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) - a global actor in the field of lifelong guidance with over 17,000 members working towards professionalism in educational and vocational guidance.

More than 350 parcticioners, academics and policy makers in the field of career guidance will meet in Bratislava to discuss the following topics:

• An inclusive society in the age of the precariat

• Career guidance breaking the shell (new approaches and innovative practice)

• Transition economies: Career guidance as a ‘luxury’

• From industry 4.0 to inclusive society 4.0

• Career guidance and democratic participation

The Conference in Bratislava will be preceded by the the Symposium in Brno, Czech Republic on September 9-10.

The Call for contributions is open until March 31. One of the possible forms of contribution is also a presentation of practical tool/method/activity at the conference “tool fair”.

Find more information about the Conference and Symposium here:



Date & Duration
Bratislava, Slovakia


The International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG)