For researchers
Give your career a boost
EURAXESS supports you through the process, whether it is about engaging with academia, industry or entrepreneurship, with the help of its career development centres, policy recommendations, training resources, and more to come!
You can find thousands of job offers, funding opportunities and get free assistance when changing countries for work. Join the many researchers who have already taken advantage of EURAXESS and boost your career!

EURAXESS Career Story

For young people, pursuing a straight academic career often seems the only way forward. The collected career stories disprove stereotypes and paint a different picture. Scientific careers with unconventional choices such as moving in and out of academia, doing a PhD in the public sector or starting your academic career later are all equally rewarding paths forward. Further, the stories touch important topics such as female in more male dominated areas, finding personal and career enrichment by moving abroad, making your passion your job and combining family and career. The common and inspiring message is clear: find your individual career path that suits you best!
For organisations
Find the best research talent
Are you looking for someone to join your research team? You can post your vacancies, look through CVs, and create partnerships on EURAXESS.
EURAXESS also offers its members free and easy-to-use resources and tools for high-standard career development services through organisations.


Maximise your potential
Have you got a great idea? Do you need help developing it? You can find partners in business and academia to help you get started and find out about patents, funding and more.
Explore the EURAXESS Manual on scientific entrepreneurship
Embark on a journey of turning your research idea and results to invention and commercial product.