About this site
Editor and Publisher
EURAXESS Austria is a joint initiative of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), OeAD-GmbH – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD-GmbH), the Austrian Research Promotion Agency - Division for European and International Programmes (FFG) and numerous other partners. EURAXESS Austria provides access to current and comprehensive information on all questions essential to researchers and their families.
As Editor and Publisher acts the following entity:
OeAD-GmbH – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD-GmbH)
Ebendorferstraße 7 | 1010 Vienna
T +43-1-53408-0
F +43-1-53408-999
E info@oead.at
Vienna | FN 320219 k | Commercial Court Vienna | ATU64808925 | CEO: Jakob Calice, PhD
The OeAD-GmbH was established on 1 January 2009 by the OeAD Act (Federal Law Gazette I No. 99/2008) and is owned 100% by the Republic of Austria. The shareholder rights are exercised by the Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy.
The OeAD-GmbH is the 100% proprietor of the OeAD Housing Office (OeAD-WohnraumverwaltungsGmbH).
Basis direction Website
Providing access to current and comprehensive information on all questions essential to researchers and their families.
Editor’s address
OeAD-GmbH - Department for International Cooperation in Higher Education
Ebendorferstraße 7 | 1010 Vienna
T +43 1 53408-252
F + 43 1 53408-999
Webmaster: info@oead.at
2b, rue Nicolas Bové
L-1253 Luxembourg
ISO Certification
In 2006 the OeAD-GmbH implemented a quality and process management system, which is to guarantee a continuous improvement, development and optimisation of its services and internal processes. In the same year the OeAD-GmbH was certified according to the international quality standard ISO 9001:2000. The effectiveness of the quality management system has been confirmed by external audits every year. In 2016 the certification of the OeAD-GmbH was renewed according to ISO 9001:2015.
Cooperation Partners
Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)
Teinfaltstraße 8
1014 Vienna
Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Sensengasse 1
1090 Vienna
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Please bear in mind that we offer general information about the promotion and support of international mobility and co-operations. This does not substitute expert legal advice which may be necessary in specific cases. Any reliance you place on information provided directly or indirectly is therefore strictly at your own risk.
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Every effort is made to keep the website and the database up and running smoothly. However, Euraxess Austria and the OeAD-GmbH – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation take no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues.