The Austrian EURAXESS Centres provide free and customised assistance to all researchers and their families seeking advice on issues related to their relocation across borders and career development. Here you can find all EURAXESS Austria network members. 34 Austrian EURAXESS Centres are members of the European EURAXESS network (as of January 2025).
EURAXESS Austria Newsletter
The Newsletter EURAXESS Austria (in German) informs about current developments in the EURAXESS network as well as in the European Research Area (ERA) and refers to relevant events and calls for proposals.
EURAXESS Austria: Erfahrungsaustausch
Once a year EURAXESS Austria provides a national network meeting (in German language) for staff members working at Welcome Centres, HR departments, International Offices and service points for PhD students and postdocs of Austrian universities and research institutions as well as persons who advise and support internationally mobile researchers.

OeAD-GmbH – Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation
Ebendorferstraße 7
1010 Vienna
Contact person: Mag. Maria Unger and Mag. Verena Katscher
T +43 (0)1 534 08-252
Researchers and research organisations can contact us for information and assistance regarding:

Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Division of European and International Programmes (only in German)
Sensengasse 1
1090 Vienna
Contact person: Dr. Ylva Huber
T +43 (0) 57755-4102
Join the EURAXESS network!
Internationally mobile researchers need strong networks to successfully pursue a career in research. However, those who advise and support them at Austrian institutions of higher education and research institutions also require networks.
In the context of the EU-wide initiative EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion, EURAXESS Austria provides a networking platform for researcher advisors.
Further information can be obtained from Brief information about the EURAXESS Austria network can be found here.
Institutions in Austria which give advice and support to researchers and which would like to feature in the EURAXESS project may register as EURAXESS Centres. The registration will allow you institution to be listed under local EURAXESS Centres and be located by researchers from all over the world via the EURAXESS Austria portal.
Furthermore, a membership in the EURAXESS Network enables EURAXESS Centres to participate in a wide range of European activities. Besides the participation in European training and network events, an online platform allows you to access contacts to EURAXESS Centres all over Europe. Participation in European projects and tenders is also possible.
Austrian institutions of higher education and research may join the EURAXESS network by signig the Declaration of Commitment.
Institutions which are registered may refer to the texts that are available at EURAXESS Austria ( This means that you may link to EURAXESS Austria from your own websites. You may also publish information from the EURAXESS Austria web portal directly on your own websites on the condition that you cite EURAXESS Austria as your source and indicate that we cannot accept any liability.
Austrian institutions of higher education and research that have signed the Declaration of Commitment have also the right to use the EURAXESS logo on their websites.
ERA Talent
The ERA Talent Platform is a 36 months project to support the implementation of the new ERA Communication and to further develop the services provided by the existing EURAXESS network, with the objective to support the career development of researchers in Europe, expanding the career trajectories for them in academia, industry and business. The OeAD is partner in this project with more than 34 partners and is contributing in the following workpackages: Knowledge sharing for specialisation in the EURAXESS network, Researchers Orientation (with focus on networking activites and socio-cultural and academic integration or researchers) and Digitalisation and data.
EURAXESS Hubs will mobilise a critical mass of both experienced and less experienced EURAXESS Bridgehead Organisations, at tailored levels of involvement, to launch three pilot EURAXESS hubs and then share their experience with the network. EURAXESS hubs will be integrated digital platforms for thematic, cross-border, competence-based collaboration of EURAXESS Centres (ESCs) and other stakeholders, such as multiplier and enabler organisations outside of the EURAXESS network, in engaging and providing services to researchers, research organisations and other ESCs.
EURAXESS TOP – Advice for researchres and networking opportunities in Europe
TOP is the acronym for "Enhancing The Outreach and effectiveness of the EURAXESS network Partners". The objective of the EURAXESS TOP projects is to strengthen the EURAXESS Network.
The project EURAXESS TOP I (duration 2010-2011) was coordinated by Germany, the TOP II (duration 2012-2014) by Spain, the TOP III (duration 2015-2018) by Hungary and TOP IV (duration 2018-2021, extended until Feb. 2022) by Greece.
Within EURAXESS TOP IV the OeAD has been part of a consortium from 40 countries, covering the whole Euraxess network and therewith maximizing the impact for the long-lasting benefit of the research community. The OeAD was the leader of task 3.4 Refugee initiatives. The task included research on the needs of displaced researchers and scientists in Europe and the creation of a framework of actions that will support the most efficient use of available resources to support integration on local as well as national and European levels.
Further information:
Guide on Labour Market Integration of Refugee Researchers
The guide provides helpful information for refugee researchers on the integration in the European labour market and tools for staff mentoring refugee researchers.
Currently their are no Study Visits available. Please contact for further information.